Tango, just two hours drive from Kyoto city. There, you will find beautiful nature that shifts in expression with the seasons. People have lived in this beautiful area for 2000 years, and have nurtured a unique and wonderful culture and craftsmanship. We invite you to explore this rich land. You will surely find what you need there.
Six factors
There are many elements in Tango which constitutes the charm of the region.
We welcome you to come and explore Tango from a variety of perspectives.

Human Landscape
Tango has been inhabited by people for two thousand years, experience this dense culture, full of traditions, customs and wisdom woven and combined with more modern ways of life. While the towns and settlements in Tango have seen many of changes over the years they are still home to vibrant communities today.
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Surrounding Nature
With access to the mountains and the sea, Tango is home to a diverse range of landscapes. These change dramatically over the seasons, from the breathtaking blossoms in the countryside in the spring and the wild, black seas of winter. These landscapes have shaped the ways of life and been a source of inspiration for the artisans that live there.
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In Tango you will find space and time for contemplation. From the many sacred spaces, such ancient shrines and temples of the region, and to the many customs and traditions that have been born out of people's spirituality connections to nature over the centuries.

Moments & Details
Japanese culture and esthetics values balance and attention to detail. In these small gestures are centuries of practice and consideration, and they find their way into all corners of life.
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Art & Design
Tango is full of creative inspiration. From its unique architecture to the furniture and craft objects that fill homes. You won't be short of visual stimulation here with rich graphic design to be seen everywhere from sake labels to shop fronts.
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Cultural Heritage
Japan used to be a “textile society” - Japanese people used simple square rectangular shapes pieces of fabric for making clothes and other textile objects. Tango is home to some of the oldest textile mills in Japan, with hundreds of years in expertise in producing the highest quality fabrics.
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We offer a program that allows you to visit Tango and experience it in depth. Explore with us the sites that are alive and well in the present day, while respecting the six elements of Tango. Our goal is to create a program that inspires both visitors and locals. Join us on a journey to discover Tango together!
About us
Tango has a history of exchange with cities on the Japan Sea coast, China, and Korea, and a unique culture nurtured in its beautiful natural environment.
The various textile productions, such as Tango Chirimen, ancient ruins, natural formations, delicious meals nurtured by the nature of forests, villages, oceans, and rivers, various hot springs, artworks and music inspired by the above, and warm-hearted people are all part of the culture of Tango. These are the cultures that are sought after in today's ever-evolving world, while being rooted in the climate and history of Tango. Nextango hopes to create further attractions together with visitors by offering them a deep experience of this culture of Tango.
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